Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Give me a break

I have been proposed to. Twice.

Ice cream in Hawaii is SOOOOOO FREAKIN GOOD!!! I don't know if it's because eating it fast enough before it liquidizes is a tough challenge, or if Hawaii people just have exquisite tastes. But its fantastic.


  1. Okay I must know the circumstances of this proposal of yours! Twice....Hilarious.I told you you'd find a hot guy to marry in Hawaii. Now you just get to choose which one's hottest.

  2. both boys live in Utah. one i haven't spoken with in two years and he decided on facebook chat that he wanted to be my husband. not appealing. As far as the boys here, all of them are 18. Apparently all the hot older dudes decided to take summer off.

  3. I love you! And I want summa that hawaiin ice cream. Miss you dahling. and I love your blogging times.
